Blog Spring Clean

*Dusting off this space*

Oh Hello! Been a while since I posted here, and I am certainly not pleased about that. Given the last almost 2 years of the pandemic scenario, and noting how people have been doing incredible things while they wait for the various eternal lockdowns to end has led to a somewhat inferiority complex for me.

During the lockdown, not only did I completely ignore this blog space but also hunkered down the hole of self pity and lockdown blues, abandoning most things that required my attention – as I suspect most of you did.

I’m not going to lie, lockdown was hard, and killed all my productivity and we’re still not out of the woods yet. I miss the afternoons spent at a cafe with my kindle, or the absolute perfection that is a chilled Radler at a beer garden on a sunny afternoon, or even the simple joy of being able to browse at a bookstore, knowing full well I have tons of unread books at home and still walking out with 20 new purchases. Books do turn most bibliophiles into weight lifters, don’t they?

Anyway, it’s not been *entirely* bleak, these last 18 months. I did acquire an e-scooter and put on all the bourgeoisie airs as I zoomed around town, racing past the pedestrian proletariat HA! Not only that, but a small, small window of lockdown relief last July was one I took major advantage of by loading up a caravan and driving off to Italy, relishing in the delights of the Tuscan sun, natural thermal waters, the most delectable Italian food paired with mind blowing wines and cheeses. More of this on my Instagram so head over there if you want to have a look! But Italy was an absolute saviour of my sanity during this crazy time.

Zooming past the Leaning Tower of Pisa without awkward posing 😄

In any case, after the brief revitalisation that the trip to Italy afforded me, I hunkered down to the thesis with renewed energy… and then came Lockdown 2.0 which very nearly defeated my spirits. But as my mom would say, “get your shit together,” I sat up, decided to give the blog a new look (do you like it?), and got back to kitchen experiments, amateur baking, more television and of course, more leisure reading. And that brings me here, dusting off the blog as I anticipate lots of brain farts here about all the little joys and woes of life – because more opinions is of course what this world needs *wink wink*

On that positive comeback, I will bid you adieu and hopefully see you soon with more fan stuff and media stuff and book stuff in the coming weeks 😊🍾

Oh, and of course, I sincerely hope you and yours are doing well and that we all emerge relatively unscathed from these trying times. I can hardly wait to get to the point where new hashtags of a post-Covid world have emerged, and I laugh sardonically at most of them as I sip my Radler, walking down the crowded streets of Augsburg. No, wait, I don’t walk anymore, I scoot.

Published by Ashumi

A literary mind, and a fannish one, out to explore the vast treasure trove that is literature and media, to understand the culture of the two legged apes.

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