Reading Challenge Week 4 – Pan Asia

Whether it is Britain or Japan, every coloniser is the same in their colonising ways. They try to break people’s spirits, take away their sense of home, dehumanise them. This is what happened to Sunja, the young daughter of a crippled fisherman in a remote island of Korea and the heroine of my book ofContinueContinue reading “Reading Challenge Week 4 – Pan Asia”

Game of Thrones – A Case Of Enforced Essential TV

This article contains NO spoilers whatsoever Over the years, I have, on multiple occasions, gone on seemingly never ending rants about contemporary journalism, or what passes for journalism today anyway. Of course, it could be said that the problem rests with me, and what I consider to be “news” or “newsworthy”. That’s very good. HowContinueContinue reading “Game of Thrones – A Case Of Enforced Essential TV”

Throwback to Tenth Grade… and my fannish tendencies

The inspiration for the things that one can blog about come from the most unexpected sources. It is rather like asking for permission from a strict, horn-rimmed spectacles wearing parent to join a sleepover party while being grounded, and them giving you a suspicious-looking smile as they say in a most tightly strung tone, “permissionContinueContinue reading “Throwback to Tenth Grade… and my fannish tendencies”

The Thirteenth Doctor is so D-I-Y

So the thirteenth Doctor arrived last Sunday… and it was pretty cool. There was this instant comparison to the debut episode of all the other Doctors and Jodie Whittaker definitely stood her ground. Before the episode aired, I was apprehensive about it. Don’t get me wrong, it has nothing to do with her sex. I’mContinueContinue reading “The Thirteenth Doctor is so D-I-Y”

The Harry Potter Association vs. The Imagination Causation

Happiness can be found in the darkest of times… if only we understood how to properly do math I learn something new every day. And then there are epiphanies. That’s a troublesome E-word on most days. And a bit of both happened today. To better explain it, let’s travel back in the past on myContinueContinue reading “The Harry Potter Association vs. The Imagination Causation”